We all bump into bad habits now and again.
Nobody's perfect, eh?
No sense beating yourself up, time and time again, for the little mishaps, errors in communication, missed opportuniites to make a difference; open a door, donate, being stingy with the tip, not volunteering to drive someone home WAY outta your way, failing to buy someone's coffee, racing to get ahead at the check-out, or not resisting that order of fries with your chicken sandwich.
We are human, we screw up, we shirk our duties. Even to our Selves.
The better option is to focus on the difference we DO make, time and again.
Thank the mailcarrier for their service.
Hold a friend's hand while gazing into their eyes (making them awfully nervous) and telling them you care.
Ordering a pizza to share.
Not begrudging their success.
Send a card occassionally, to cheer someone up.
Bake the neighbor a pan of lasagna, just for the heck of it.
Take an extra kid to the skating rink.
The key is to empasize the positive, like training the puppy!
Reward the good behavior, ignore the bad. Or at least play it down.
No one likes a scolding!
Bump up your game.
Make your Self a note:
"Smile more."
"Do something outrageously kind."
"When you think of her, Call!"
and the like.
You'll get the hang of it soon enough.
Your work, if you choose to accept it, is to share your Self more often.