I'll do anything.
At least once.
OK, maybe NOT psychodelic drugs but YES-from target practice at the shooting range with a bow and arrow to discover my accuracy in life, to the race track where I love to admire the excited horses just prior to the event, bowling (laugh a lot, I'm in the Under 90 group!) a serene walk in the woods with the dogs, drive to the ocean to soak up the energy of the soothing waves. to a long gossipy conversation over a mug of steamy heady coffee. It wasn't always like that.
"Let's try anything together" has been my motto in the last decade.
Do the very things that keep me in the present.
A gift of life, the comradery of spilling laughter and introspection.
It isn't for everyone.
Some prefer being grouchy. For them, (you know who you are!) complaints mean far more than wonderment. Problems loom greater, taking over to the roots of their hair. A scowl isn’t an afterthought. Compliments need to be requested by the recipient.
I pretend The Grinches have lice and keep my distance, greater than an arm’s length.
For those nasty thoughts inveriably launch themselves onto my textured clothes, into my furled hair, leap off THEM, and join the environment around me. Spread their genetic defects through my Soul.
Judgment and Criticism act as if they’re the only thing that matters. The World revolves around 'EM.
If I feel the leaks, small cracks in my persona that encourage or invite The Nasties in for dessert, I take on a character of sorts.
I was once the Savage She Hulk for Halloween. Another year, I became Flo Jo. They were great characters to live into.
My latest persona is powerful, like Wonder Woman, soft and enticing like Mother Teresa, crafty like Mohammad Ali, resourceful like Napoleon Hill, brave and charismatic like Whoopie, and gorgeous like Isabella Rosellinni. You can imagine that combo, can’t you?
The minute I put on my favorite stunning silver ring from New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art, I become HER.
She doesn’t take any shit, throws flames at the Boogey Women, stares down the Creators of Chaos and Destruction of Fame.
Find your Heroine/Hero.
Plug them in when the crack that let in the light shrinks-to-fit the challenge or problematic issues.
Run Her/His continuous song.
Beats out THEM STINKIN’ THINKERS every time.
Let me know where your mojo comes from and SHARE!