What can you do with all those damned rubber bands?
Outgoing Mail in the box
Sliced apples and halved avocados (so they don’t brown)
Stop small leaks in a hose
Wrap electrical cords (great for yard sales!)
Open jars (wrap around lid)
Prevent things from unwrapping (ribbon. yarn, Christmas paper)
Make waistband flexible (loop in button with hole)
In lieu of chip clip
Keep plastic luggage tag on bag
Eraser (make bands into a ball)
Prevent stuff from slipping (remote, cutting board, etc)
Save your page in a book
Ball of ‘em make a great stress reliever (pinch or roll)
Roll around and stretch to increase blood flow (I bring one when I donate at Red Cross!) and great for diabetics
Who doesn’t remember tie-die?
Cure an overbite - ask your ortho…really!!
Mark level of liquid in paint cans
Easy grip on crayons/pencils for kids/elderly
"Reminder” wrap on finger
Could double as a tourniquet before getting medical attention
Any more great ideas???