Because, of course, everything feels like the hardest decision when you're faced with:
a HUGE tab
LOADS of work
A LOT of your time
MORE energy than you think you have
no PARTNER to confide in (or one who is really good at being the DEVIL'S ADVOCATE)
Being determined (but at what COST)
Not to mention the ultimate outcome could:
SLAP you in the face
Projectile you into SUCCESS
DRAIN you (in oh so many ways)
Be all for NAUGHT
Are you a JUMPER?
Watch-and-see (er?)
Run screaming in the other direction kinda person?
Ready to do something other than your M.O.? (cause how did THAT turn out?)
Let me know...because I am faced with a tough decsion and could really use the imput.
Catch me at:
and thanks!