I am also drawn to inspiring people. I lean into their suggestion that they're strong, capable, and willing to step out courageously.
Want to gush with admiration when someone overcomes their weight/impovrished/relationship/job/health problem.
I smile when I see a puppy being him/her self with abandon. Like it doesn't matter who's effected.
People who give of themselves, more often than not. Or wish to, are a breath of fresh air.
I'm enamored with dark chocolate (see yesterday's post) and almonds.
Estatic in nature. No matter the temperature or dewpoint.
I'd rather sit calmly and read a suculent book than watch a popular television program with canned laughter.
Fettuccini and grilled cheese sandwiches turn me on.
An uncorked bottle of Red Chilean Wine gives me a complete rush.
Always better to know what you like, soasto declare it aloud when someone asks.
'Cause you never know when that will happen, the words blurt out something akin to:
"What do you want?"
And you won't have to struggle to recall what makes you happiest.
Make a list.
And share. Please and thank you.