I’m terrible when I’m bored.
Knowing that about myself, I work at being a Poker Face so I don’t make someone else feel badly.
But that rarely works.
My body screams “Ugh”
One foot heads towards the door, the other turns out, away from the speaking party.
My eyes go up in exasperation.
Thoughts go in a million other directions - all those nagging things I could be doing instead of …THIS!
Yet I’m great at persuasion.
I am better at forgiving myself when I get nasty.
I can easily pull excitement and enthusiasm into any project.
Great at matching one idea with another (even if I was introduced to it years ago.)
I’ve wondrously creative interests.
Sharing someone’s story turns me on.
Tequila and I don’t get along (since I got torrentally sick on it at 19.)
I tend to frown heavily at single-use water bottle users.
Walmart shoppers aren’t allowed in my house.
Those are just ten things you may LOVE/HATE ABOUT ME.
Bring yours on!