…only to discover there’s no chocolate in the house!
Rough day.
Downright dreadful.
Doughy stomach with a sensation of angst and twinge of fickle exasperation.
My work is palatably meaningful and soulfully satisfying.
What more could I ask for?
Oh, right, that it’s also PROFITABLE!!
The learning curve - not only adjusting and navigating my way through the Portland metro, shifting and balancing my business savvy, meeting new friends, finding the best yummy veggie pizza, trustworthy car repair shop, hair stylist that won’t make me look like the wild woman from Borneo, and solidifying resources that I can count on to help those in need, but I NEED to make money.
It can be daunting, if I allow that kind of thing creep-in.
Doing the work I REALLY want to be doing.
I’m slithering towards THE best audience for my services.
Forever educating myself to new and innovative marketing techniques.
I "Shout Out" the stories from my clients-to-the-recipient and-back-to-the-client again.
Creating relationships with agencies who get the donated goods to the End User lickety-split!
Boys and Girls Club
My Place Teen Center
Home Health and Hospice
South Portland’s Public Library Bookstore
Westbrook Animal Refuge League
York County Women to Work Program
Immigration Support Project
Grace House for Women
The Little Free Libraries
just to mention a few…
Out of whining material so I think I’ll head to the convenience store for that chocolate!