Are pens taking over your life? Do you find them lurking in every nook and cranny of the kitchen drawers, jammed into chipped cups, squirreled away in purse pockets, behind briefcase zippers, and tucked into a boot in the closet?
Here’s the Key to solving the Pen Puzzle.
Gather all of your perky pens.
Choose A BAKERS DOZEN, the best of the very BEST to keep.
Rubber band them together (see my Rubberband, Man! post to discover creative ways to use your exhaustive supply of those buggers!) Put them in your purse, a gift bag, or small cloth shopping bag for distribution.
Everywhere you go, dump a few of them:
Nestle them between magazines at the Dentist office
Toss a couple on the Bank deposit slip table (the one attached to the string NEVER WORKS!)
Place them at the Car repair shop next to the coffee machine
Take a bunch to the Elementary School (same goes for HS, Community College, etc.)
Leave a Clump in the Community Center lobby
Healthcare Clinic front desk will take a handful
Drop some at the Dry Cleaners counter
Place a few in the reading corner at the Public Library
Tuck them on the windowsill at the local coffee joint
Be the Pen Pusher and you’ll feel elated!!
May the Writing Force Be With You!!
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