Spring into action by sorting out the stuff in your car.
Gives you an excuse to be out in the warmth of the sun and get your caar ship-shape.
Bring bucket of warm soapy water and a few throwaway cloths (cut up old t-shirts or cloth diapers) an old hard bristle toothbrush and dry cloth along for the job. Polish for the leather seats, window/vinyl cleaner (warm water with a drop of low suds dish soap and splash of vinegar.)
Pull everything out of the -
glove box
seat pockets
underneath the seats
cup pockets
above the visor
pull mats
yank out baby seats and dog harness
Toss the trash.
Put everything back in the house or garage, if it doesn't belong in the car
Wipe everything down
And head out for a walk in the neighborhood, your job is done!
Unless of course, you need to wash the outside of the car now!
Oh, and make sure you turn the clock BACK ONE HOUR!!!