A woman's escorted off the wooded trail on a stretcher carried by a slew of men in blue uniform. They’ve got official-looking badges and everything!
Her dog (it wasn’t a Dalmatian, so couldn’t be the official fire fighter hound!) pulls frantically at the lead, held by one of the few not carting the supine lady. She’s shockingly occupied-texting on her enormous phone, sans the decency to moan in pain, or at least grimace! The men tramp up the path, hoisting her over my giant dog (who doesn’t even seem to notice the commotion,) and stream out of sight like ants on a mission.
I continue on the bumpy route, distracted (not unheard of in my world.) Soon, I realize I’ve gone the wrong way and backtrack. Finally launch down the right trail to find my car and there, parked to my right, is the fire truck. The guys had hiked three times farther than they could have, to take this woman to safety.
Guess I would’ve:
a. found a large stick and hopped along to my car
b. requested assistance from the many passing hikers (only need two sturdy shoulders!)
c. haul myself along in a gentle crawl with a lot of spewing swear words
c. do anything I could to avoid being carried thru the woods on a gurney
To each her own, I suppose. She’s probably caught wind of my infamous blog and is steaming mad that I’ve accused her of misappropriating the fire department staff and funds.
Oh well, worse things have happened!
PS. On second thought, maybe it's not a bad way to meet some of the local men!!