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Stalked by two coyotes, and live to tell the story.

Writer's picture: Paula F. HillPaula F. Hill

We create a chain reaction in the future lives of others. I didn't intend for my coyote story to illicit hate and fury. Startled by the reaction, "Were you stared down, as though YOU were encroaching on their territory?" Whoa. Their entire circle of townhouses took out the natural habitat. Flattened it, scoured it with concrete, asphalt, non-native species, and spits fumes from the car, to the dryer vent.

I was excited, even thrilled to be featured in a coyote night-hunting adventure, but my audience didn't feel the same way.

The fireworks scared the Jack Russel Terrier so badly, he refused to go outside to pee. I took him out at 11:30pm, after the festivities. We zoomed around the cultisac, with his tags jingling. He seemed jolly, trotting ahead of me on the extenda lead. Since he's on a variety of meds, he takes FOREVER to poop, so the usual five minute trek stretched into fifteen.

We rounded the bend to the house and I noticed a "dog" lying in the neighbor's grass. Hm, a dog off-leash? in this neighborhood? My mind had a hard time wrapping around the image. I turned slightly, sensing something behind me, another, what I came to realize was a coyote, appeared. They began to circle around me, coming from behind, and the one calculating from the ground, stood. They worked in unison as I reeled-in the lead, scooped-up the little dog and walked more quickly to the driveway. The two gorgeous, full shiny- coated canines followed closely. I deliberately chose not to make a scene by shouting or attempting to scare them off. I figured I was safe from their attack. I'm far too big to tackle to the ground, I decide. I entered the garage door and peered through the glass. They were teamed at the bottom of the drive, pacing back and forth in unison.

I nodded to them, in respect, and went through the inner door. A suggestion comes to mind, when we lived in WA state, just off a series of wooded trails, "Take the collars off your pets at night. They act like a dinner bell for the predators."

Each time I share this coyote chapter, I'm shocked by the indignant gestures, words, and emotions coming at me, singeing phrases regarding wildlife in a crowded city. I hear strategies for taking them "down" and out of the vicinity of household pets.

Makes me sad and frightened for the wildlife and their natural diminishing habitat.

Do you have a woman/man-meets-wildlife story to share? Would love to hear it!

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