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Writer's picturePaula F. Hill

To suck, or not to suck, that's the question.

The evals came in the mail awhile ago, the responses from my “How To Declutter For Good” presentation in May. Out of 88 people in the audience, 43 handed in their evaluation forms.

This two page letter has been kicked around in my “office” area for weeks now. I read it through carefully the day it arrived, cried a ton, then set it aside to review at a later date. Picked it up several times in passing, to reread some of the comments/suggestions, bawled some more, than placed it in my “IN” box.

This morning, I took my sugar-laced coffee, pulled the first page out of the box and tackled it yet again.

My eyes tend to drift to the “Potty-mouth is a turn-off,” “Totally irrelevant. Too many stories, not enough substance,” “She said “crazy” to describe many different people and situations…”stupid choices” is really not great,” “…needs to be more interactive.”

Versus “Great!” “Speaker was terrific,” Inspirational speaker - makes one want to be a better person,” “Enjoyed the training. Especially motivate them to get rid of their shit for good,” “Kept my interest throughout,” “I liked that it takes a more positive approach on clutter.”

I couldn’t help myself, went back to the Power Point Presentation again and again to find the specific details, the perpetrators surrounding the negative attacks. I did say I help people get their shit together. I very much focused on MY stupid choices not anyone else’s. I did share, share, share client success stories, inspirational stories, people overcoming their insurmountable challenge stories, rags-to-riches stories.

After about a box and a half of tissues, I discover my truth - I can’t, won't, and in fact, may never please everyone. I won’t stop all negative feedback. I am not charming to everyone. Not everyone will like what I have to say/teach/share.

I blow my nose one last time, toss the pile of used kleenex in the trash and eject a massive sigh. I shake like a wet dog from the beach, for as long as it takes.

Pull out a highlighter and emphasize the positive and encouraging notes. A big black sharpie censors the others. I take a few notes in the margins to consider the truly constructive criticism.

And head to the registration link. I sign up to present for next year’s conference.

A leap, no matter how small, is still considered a leap!

Please share, give feedback (yes, now I think I can handle anything) and thanks for being here.

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