A Day In The Life Of a Dog-Walker Extraordinaire never intended to be a rhythmic “bend and stoop” routine to collect old cigarette remnants. One day, I just decided it’s time to help Mother Earth. Once I began this project, I understood it's a magnifying glass to elicit feeling better about what is going on in the world, knowing I control this small corner.
I picked up my first butt and the next and the next. My goal became 100/day than 100 per walk. Some days I walk 14 dogs. Really. It started 76 days ago and I lost count at 8000 cigarette butts. You might think "obsessive." And you could be 100% correct!
Initially I was furious with humankind. How the fuck can smokers just toss these babies all over the place? Strangely, they tend to clump around light poles, street corners, in multiples, one-after-another, just a single step from the next. Do they skidder together in the dead of night? Seek out the other’s company for warmth, comfort, a sense of belonging? As they blow in the wind, get caught on a stream of rain, kicked by a wandering flip flop, strewn as the leaf blower clears the lawns... are they aiming for somewhere special?
I fumed, deciding to topple an envelope of butt remains onto the Phillip Morris Company. I could just imagine the recipient of these filters, in all stages of non-decomposition, strewn across the desk in a disgusting wad. Would they feel Guilt, Shame, Remorse, Dread, Self-Loathing, or be even more determined to sell copious cancer-sticks and clutter the world with the butts?
I hated the Smoker - smug and happy in their fog.
Until I didn’t.
Realized the more I fumed, the worse it is for ME, making my days and walks outdoors, head tilted downwards, seeking out the ugly cadavers just sad and enraged. Once I tie the knot on the plastic bag, jammed with dog shit and cigarette ends, I declare “Done” for the time-being. I choose to spend the rest of the time on the end of the leash in awe of Mother Earth from the waist up.
I became overjoyed to find masses of butts in one area, so-as-to end my quest early and enjoy more time head windmilling like a fan on a humid day.
I take-in the treetops, branches, light, and sounds. I can focus on what makes me joyful and feel free instead of the decay. The spotlight should be on our precious resource - community.
Someone notices my bend and scoop regime and shouts from his car window “I wish you didn’t have to do that but thank you!” I nod in recognition and feel pleased someone is paying attention.
When I share the Butt Project with people, they're either amused at my intention or angry at the litterers. It just adds to the complexity of the latest rage within my sphere - plastic straws, single-use water bottles, grocery bags made of plastic, and butts. In retail stores and restaurants I say “Until something changes, every time I come in, I'm going to request you get rid of XX!!” The responses range from “I'm in complete agreement and I have no control over this,” to “I have no clue what you’re talking about.” Some of my friends refuse to go anywhere with me.
There are NO Butts About It, PEOPLE, not "SOMETHING" has to change!