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Build a WALL Between the Brain and the Lips

Writer's picture: Paula F. HillPaula F. Hill

My observation about the brain, or what goes on in my mind, is like a constant scab being re-opened. I’ve been here in Portland, Maine, for over a year and low and behold, it is STILL a financial struggle. I chat-up my elevator speech, get spittle-excited about my work, share and share and share the amazing stories of clients' success. People are enthralled, incredulous, taken aback, (as afar as I can tell.) And yet, only friends, and their families who know me well, continue to support me in my Sorted Affairs business endeavor.

I ruminated, began lengthy conversations (in a whiny tone, I must admit) regarding how difficult it is to start over in a new city. Well, it WAS my choice, after all, some interject. I totally and completely agree. And yet, somehow I felt this chapter shouldn’t be the way it is.

I give back, I help and empower the community in transition (including their pets!) I scrounge up fabulous goods (like snowboards) for the food-deprived teens, memory-inducing items for seniors losing their minds, women and men stomping out of rehab get stunning clothing and jewelry, I provide nearly-new linens for people escaping (not literally) the jail system, folks beginning again are cherished with great possessions.

I love that!

I adore feeling helpful and generous, finding a path to provide for the Immigrants, refugees, people who may have trouble getting a toothbrush and forks. I savor their stories-to share the Giver and Receiver with one another. They meet thru vibrant words and experience. It’s an incredible dialog.

So why it is hard to get past the family and friend circle?

Oh boy! I read, listen, watch, read, think, talk to others in the know, read again, this time Pam Grout’s boot E-cubed. The chapter I flipped to this morning is much like the others. Pay Attention To My Thoughts. Oh bother!!

Once again, I truly see the truth of the matter. It is up to me-catching that nasty side of my brain, so it doesn’t set the precedence for the words out of my mouth.

My business is about giving and receiving. It is focused on people who want to be generous and don’t necessarily know how. It is emphasizing we are NOT our circumstances and we’ve got loads of compassion for one another.

Let’s begin again…

Every time I talk about my business, no matter the scene, people are moved somuchso, they hire me or refer me to someone who needs my services.

Isn’t that special???

And so basic, it’s original.

I get paid WELL for who I am AND why I do it!

Thanks for the reminder, Pam!

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